32a Cheviot Road, West Moonah, Tasmania, 7009





Our objectives



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For Christ

Hilliard Christian School provides an education based on a worldview that is derived from a living faith in Jesus Christ as a personal Saviour.

God, through Christ the Son, created this world as part of His perfect universe. Furthermore, He sustains His creation through His power and the natural laws He instituted. Although created perfectly, this planet has been corrupted by sin, resulting in a world that is out of harmony with the rest of creation. However, God has instituted plans to restore this world to its original perfection.

Man was originally created in God’s image – a unity of body, mind and spirit. He was endowed with intellect, emotion and the power of choice. God’s image has been marred, yet may be restored through a personal response to the initiative of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit. Man’s meaning, therefore, is not found in himself but in a relationship with his Creator.

All truth finds its centre and unity in God. God communicated truth to man in a general way through the natural world, His providential acts and more specifically, through Scripture and His Son, Jesus Christ.
Ethical values, relationships and the exploration of knowledge at Hilliard Christian School are discovered and held by establishing and maintaining a personal relationship with Christ.

For family

Hilliard Christian School supports the primary educative force in each student’s life – their family unit. God’s moral laws, and our shared kinship through God’s adoption of all who claim Him, provide a secure environment for the nurture and development of each child.

The relationships in the school are based on the fundamental values of a Christian family unit: selfless service, respect for authority, loving concern and nurture of each individual’s development and safety. Hilliard Christian School seeks to give students educational encounters that empower them to be capable of understanding and addressing human needs.

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For community

Hilliard Christian School is a community that seeks excellence in the development and expression of each individual’s God given talents and gifts in service to both the school and the wider community. The fostering of caring, redemptive relationships is the core of our community.

The Christian view of mankind sees each student as created in the image of God. Consequently, they can make free choices, take intelligent and noble actions, and understand human intents and actions. Students can then act creatively in helping move society towards the Kingdom of God.

Each student’s experience at Hilliard Christian School is as rich and filled with personal meaning as possible. Students pass through phases of development: discovering what they know; who they are becoming, and establishing consistency between their moral judgments and actions. They learn the necessity of considering others – frames of reference, feelings, and needs – moving out of their own ego-centric world, growing in their power to respond both creatively and responsibly. As students grow in their power to think and to act, they become more effective agents of grace in the world, transplanting ideas from their own minds into the minds, imaginations and lives of others.